So being a 3/4 time online college student, pregnant, going to deliver a baby at the end of Feb (hopefully, she's been wanting to come earlier), and a full time mom, when do I have time to craft? Well that is my new years revolution. make a least 2 cards a week. It's going to be tough but I think I can do it. I find my self making cards at the 11th hour for a birthday, holiday, ect. My husband has been wanting me to make cards a head of time so that I will have an option of cards when the time is short. Which isn't a bad idea. So that's what I'm going to do. Sunday's are usually my card making day. I hope I can still do that when the baby is born. My sister-in-law recently got married and she asked me if I would make the guest book. She wanted a 12x12 layout with room enough to sign or do what ever she wants. Again I for got to take pictures. But that recently took up my time and I've been crocheting baby booties and a sweater for my baby to be. I did however take a picture of her card that I made her. I wanted it to be small and I actually figured out how to make it fit in a reg. business envelope. not the long ones the short letter ones. ( I don't know what they are called) I also found another picture of a project that I forgot to put up a while ago.

tigger-Pooh and Friends
Tags-Tags Bags Boxes and more
little doodles-ek success punch
missing space is for little girl when she is born.

Card base-3 1/2x 5 1/2
White layer- 3x5
sky, grass layer-2 3/4x4 3/4
Red strips were scraps
tandum bike-sweethearts
cut at w: 4in h: 2.13in
(it's a weird measurement because I cut it out on my gypsy that I got for Christmas)